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Winter challenge #winterdailyart2019 and #christmasdailyart2019 in ProCreate.

Day 21

Wrap up and Catch up day in the challenge invites revisions to work to fine tune skills. I changed my star, candy cane, and gingerbread house ornaments.


The Star

I’m still working on depth, so I added some black airbrushed shading on parts of the stars to give them some depth. I set the layer on multiply and reduced the opacity just a little. I also found some stray pine needles to erase and parts of the “flare” that took away from the star’s design with its straight white line.

Compare here: Which do you prefer? Can you see the difference?

Star with Shadow   Star Flat

I know– I’m still trying to figure out just the right amount of shadowing.

The Candy Cane

I hid the layers that created the depth look I tried the first time, and applied, in separate layers, the black airbrush strategy for shadows. I also added highlights with the white studio brush and blurred that. It’s much easier with fewer layers to create depth this way.

Compare here: Which do think looks more like the rounded shapes of candy canes?

Airbrushed Shadowing  and Layered stencils and Shadowing

The Gingerbread House Ornaments

Red candies now adorn the iced roof. See the slight airbrush shadowing and the highlight for each round red candy on the roof. Notice the erased parts to simulate that each red candy is pushed into the icing.  A nice touch for the ornaments.

Compare: With or Without candies?

House with Candies  or House without Candies

A Question About Adjustments

How many times do you find yourself revising and checking your art? Are you constantly zooming in to check, or do you wait until all the parts are drawn and painted to make that final, detailed look?

See Jennifer Nichol’s Skillshare Challenge here.

Art Techniques on my blog for this challenge.

My work for the challenge on Flickr.

Other art at my shop:


Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
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Art from the Heart

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