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Getting pretty excited about #WriteOut — a placed-based collaboration by the National Park Service and the National Writing Project. It’s a time to follow your nose out and about wherever you are– urban, rural, and in-between — to touch bases with the land and our world, to observe, talk, share, and write about the our beautiful world. Just explore, connect, and create!

Hopefully, the whole family can get out and enjoy the scenery in your neck of the woods or block or park in the city.

Ways to Write About Place

Last year, I got out myself and wrote quite a bit: Sheri’s WriteOut posts. Sometimes I wrote about my local area with links— and sometimes about parks I remembered, but many times I just followed the Doodle Prompts to connect ideas to place.  Doodle? Yes– here’s the original Doodle Prompts. However, there will be new prompts for the two-week October #writeout, so keep watching for that. Doodle Prompts give the occasional WriteOut participant a focus for a day they can pause to play — on the ‘net or out in “place.”

Sometimes I wrote a poem or shared a picture:  any way to explore, connect, and create is GREAT! For more ideas on how to celebrate our natural world, wherever you are, please see the resources on place-based education at the National Writing Project WriteOut Resource page.

Can’t get out?

Can’t get out? There’s still a way to enjoy the natural beauty of the world. For instance, our local national park, The Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area has both a Flickr and an Instagram account with some amazing photos just waiting for you to explore in and write about. If those don’t grab your writing and exploring fancy, how about searching for the National Park Service– Flickr Search. If you’ve got Internet, you’ve got places to explore.

No internet? Use your memory and your window to explore what you remember and write what you understand.

Are you ready?

Check out the starting ideas at National Writing Project.

Week One [Oct 13]: Explore

Week Two [Oct 21]: Write

and connect and share #writeout

Ready to Share?

Perhaps you’ll start that blog you’ve been thinking about.  A blog? What is blogging? Take a look at this answer; the links take you to educational resources, but the post is about the intent of blogging. Here’s a longer post by WPBeginner. My favorite platforms are WordPress and Edublogs.

What will you explore and what will you share for #writeout?

cormorants in the sky MarchDoodle

cross post at What Else

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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