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Cottage Feldgang



We live in a small house. It’s not pristine like many modern houses. I take after my mother who always said, “Life is too short to spend your day cleaning and dusting. Play with your kids. Enjoy their joy.” It’s dusty. The walls are filled with pictures, art, or bookcases. If there’s a space, it’s probably filled with something. Could be a pile of books — on bugs, rocks, wildflowers, or weeds. A classic. Nonfiction. History. Sherlock. Agatha. Kingsolver. Asimov. Brin. Black Holes. Climate. Jefferson. Art. Calligraphy. Doodles. Paint and paintbrushes. Markers. Glue. It could be filled with rocks, painted bark, or moss– whatever precious thing a grandkid brought inside.

So when I took to the nook for the landline when it rang, I saw this:


A note and art from Cubber, a bit of etching from Jake and Greg, and art from Allison about the money fairy. Each walk to the phone is visit to a loving memory. And I looked around to note the nooks and crannies with waiting wonders, left by or for family who wander here, a rest from speeding time.

This summer’s CLmooc is an exploration of different types of field walks, or feldgangs. A Feldgang is a close exploration, a quiet deep dive into the world around you. I decided to create a feldgang for my family, a field walk around the nooks and crannies of Gramma’s Cottage.

I hope you enjoy it too:

And check out this summer’s CLmooc invitation and join us for some type of “deep” walk too.


Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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