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Daily Create 02.06.23

02.06.23 The Daily Index


I’ll Not Complain

I’ll not complain of the brisk winter cold
when summer fires we may need to escape
Just glad for the skies so blue and so bright
And sunshine on winter’s white landscape.

Sheri Edwards
02.06.23 037.365.23

bright, snowy landscape on cloudless winter day on Old Coulee Road on way to Almira, WA

A Walk In Almira

Daily Create

Daily Create Prompt:  #DS106  #tdc4042  #clmooc  #dailycreate 

Just before the ceiling….


Photo of ceiling light from another room with wall header reading “Bless Everyone; No Exceptions”

February Doodle

a #FlashFeb — a creative prompt every day in February to respond as you wish.

Today’s Prompt: Finger


I took a clue from Pauline Ridley on shading— she used her finger prints, so I found a blotchy brush to mimic that for my shading. And, of course, I could not resist to resist and expect “Peace” with my hand in the gesture of the 1960s peace / love sign.

A bit of serendipity again, since this prompt and response fits with my Daily Create today of my ceiling/wall, which proclaims, “Bless Everyone — No Exceptions,” the true meaning of love by Jesus.

tag: #FlashFeb

#makingarteveryday  #februarydoodle #febdoodle

 #cldoodle23  #warmup4art #clmooc  #contourdrawing 

About the Move to The Daily Index:

1439 days of posts in a row 


Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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