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Peony, Healer

pink peony mostly open

Daily Note

Every day, a photograph, a poem. I quote my Daily Create post today:

I frequently think on this:

Over the years I have pondered how people in Ireland/England or Israel/Palestine or any of those areas where people hated other people and acted on that with violence. How could this happen for years, even thousands of years– that one people could so hate another group of people?

Now I know: some leader manipulated the majority of people with misinformation and a zeal for creating discord and violence against others — instead of coming to the table and listening, looking to understand, and deciding —- deciding– how to live together in peace.

Because that’s where we are today in the United States. The rhetoric against Democrats and Progressive is just that: misinformation, disinformation, hate-filled words set to divide us.

This is not the way we, the United States, was founded.

Are you disheartened? Listen to your neighbors. Find the common ground. Continue with the true message of love and understanding.

And so, my Daily Create, and poem, is one of healing:

Peony, Healer

I form firmly
my center,
until my heart opens
petal by petal
to heal the world with

Sheri Edwards
071222 194.365.22

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Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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