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Daily Create Hogmanay Celebration

Daily Create

Today’s Daily Create [ @ds106dc #tdc3641 ]

#tdc3641 #ds106 Happy Hogmanay

We will be watching the lovely Scots Makar, Jackie Kay’s poem “Fare Well” from 2020 Edinburgh Hogmanay celebration !

Source Image CC2.0 Catalonian Sun Goddess from the Hogmanay Parade-Hogmanay Street Party, Edinburgh 2005 Stuart Yeates, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons on Flickr.

Auld Lang Syne
Source, including Scottish Verses and Translations, at Wikipedia

Robert Burns in 1788 wrote the music, supposedly written as he listened to a man singing an old Scots fold song. You can see the letter he wrote to the museum and listen to words at the Morgan Museum website here

And so, for the end of this year of 365 Daily Creates, I send you blessings for a brighter new year.

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
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