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Day 319 Teacup

Daily Notes

A Daily Challenge to myself: a photograph and poetry.  Today, no walk again; we’re both so busy on Monday and Tuesday. I still have this post and another to write, and a movie to make for the art blog. We’ve been cutting back on coffee and drinking tea. I have many of my mother’s teacups– that will be a photo one day, but I have a favorite mug, one from a gift shop locally called Tumbleweed Emporium. It no longer exists and hasn’t for many, many years. But I bought a pair of these and a pair of large dinner plates. I love the colors and the hand painted look. It’s actually like the art I’m about to write on today for the art blog. It’s light weight, too, and not good for keeping tea hot, but just as good as the tea is for bringing a smile and calm into my life. Covid is still a weight on us, but now we have a president fit for office and moving forward with policies that are accepting of others. No more twitter junk. I love it. Still, my favorite mug makes the day special.


Everyday I
Sip my tea from the same cup;
Traditions soothe hearts.

Sheri Edwards
012621 02636521
Poetry / Photography

Daily Create

The Daily Create #tdc3302 today asked us show a scene or character from the movie 2012 when so many people thought the world was about to end. My character is from the Mayan Calandar:

January Doodle

I have more to do with this; it’s not quite what I’m looking for, but today was another busy day. #spoonflower #doodleaday #clmooc #DoodleADayJanELSF @spoonflower @ellolovey #jandoodle #sunshine This doodle a day with my friends at CLmooc, #jandoodle, with prompts for Spoonflower, is a pattern for the prompt, “rainbow.” Enjoy.

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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