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SOL18 They’re Back


My husband and I walked around our neighborhood today, chatting about the summer visit the family had all been planning, adding in the new delight: our oldest granddaughter’s marriage. Scheduling is not easy for our blended family who live hours apart in Washington and Oregon, but we manage to make it happen twice a year.

Suddenly, I stopped, holding my arms up to listen.

The birds! The songbirds! They’re back! We stood and enjoyed the melodies.

We could not see them, but perhaps hundreds of them were feasting in the tall pine trees. We could see a few dart out now and again, but mostly, they just welcomed us with their delightful song. Cedar Waxwings or chickadees– we could not tell.

But we could enjoy one of the blessings of living in a rural area: the lovely gift from spring in song. And every spring there is a day like this, the one to stop and pause at the beauty of this day. This day each Spring. And so –the recording and image in this post are from a past March day!


This post is written for11th Annual  Slice of Life Story challenge hosted by  Two Writing Teachers .   During whole month of March, we will share a slice of our lives.  Please join too.  


Note: the recording and image are from another year — both spring delights from our Coulee area.

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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