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Nature Inside

Daily Note: Community

Every day, a photograph, a poem. In our rural area, we are fortunate to have a fairly new medical center. It’s an example of the community pulling together in many ways— through citizens, public minded non-profits, local businesses, local politicians, and the voice of the people proclaimed in the press. And it is an example of refusing to be institutionalized, but rather encourage hope through the artful architecture and interior design, which captured the place of our community in its design and colors. Hence, this poem and photo.


Nature Inside

Outside the rock walls
In basalt columns and yellow lichens
Below the fields of amber grain
Above the golden tufts of prairie grass
Are the stuff of nature inside
In lines and squares of such
Browns and yellows and gold
To match the view outside.

Sheri Edwards
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Unfortunately, that community spirit forging progress with individuals, businesses, and the press that saved our old hospital and rebuilt it— that spirit is gone with Trump and Covid. We are like this article in the Seattle Times about a town south of us: Dayton, WA. We are disrupted, divided, and depressed as a community— no longer the “we,” but rather the “me” of an inability to see a way through together. Fortunately, our hospital is still viable— filled with caring workers, though some have left.

Misinformation is rampant, but our civic leaders, conservative and progressive, are at least functioning, which is better than most communities surrounding us.

A reposting of support to fight misinformation.

From previous post: Day 562

What can we do about misinformation?

There’s a way to quickly check the facts:

Be Aware: How is misinformation spreading?

Articles that explain the issues:

Where do I get accurate information?

Links to accurate information:

I heard even vaccinated people spread COVID: Get the Facts

Another bit of misinformation spreading around, and something worth sharing: 

No. Vaccinated people do not transmit the virus at the rates or intensity of the unvaccinated.

Here’s some info from the Atlantic: The Vaccinated Are NOT Just As Likely To Spread COVID

Get vaccinated, please. Save lives.

I hope this information helps guide you in these difficult times for planet earth.

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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