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450.32 JulyDoodle Endless

July Doodle

My CLmooc friends doodle every day. July’s prompts are from Rachelle at TinkerLab — #tinkerlab

Today the prompt is endless, as endless as the seed of the dandelion floating on its own vortex up and away to be a new dandelion another day…

#JulyDoodle #endless   #clmooc #tinkerlab #warmup4art #dandelion #dandelionseed #vortex 


There’s more to this doodle. Life got in the way of some of my art plans and projects and I needed a short “warm up” for my art blog. So this doodle became a post on doodle prompts and animation, which I wrote about here: WarmUp Dandelion and Animation.

My CLmooc friend Terry wrote an interesting blog post about being unseen: The Infinite Ox-Bow of Nothing. I responded in a comment, thinking of all the people who stop by my own blog without comment but took a “look” that might have made them smile or think or learn. I often pause and smile at Terry’s words [ he is so much wiser than I will ever be ], but don’t often get back to comment while I mull over his thoughts and mingle them with mine.

He commented back and included it as this poem:

Soooo… true to CLmooc form, I adjusted my little animation just for Terry:


We never know when are words or actions are held close to someone’s heart. The possibilities are endless for the ripple effect we have unknown on those around us. For we are all connected and none of us, nor our words, however “hidden” they are on little blog posts, are nada.

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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