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Day 377 Daily Create Greetings to OtherWorld People

Daily Create

Today’s Daily Create [ @ds106dc #tdc3360] is share your selfie and greeting to a person from another world.

Of course, who would you like to meet? Spock is one, and here I found him beaming onto my starcraft where I greeted him in Vulcan symbol of respect and blessing, with “Dif-tor heh smusma, Spock,” which means “Live Long and Prosper, Spock,” in English. By the way, the response to that is “Peace and Long Life.”

Star Trek is one of my all time favorite shows, movies, and stories– the lessons of cooperation, collaboration, openness, acceptance, unity, universal rights all resonate with my beliefs. You could almost call the themes and expected actions a religion. Long ago, a person I met from Minnesota at an education training conference shared how much watching Star Trek each week with her teenagers, following up with deep conversations, had been like a religious experience for their family, one that promoted acceptance, respect, love, and caring for one another.

So there’s that.

Astronaut Terry Virts from International Space Station salutes in honor of Spock over Leonard Nimoy’s home, Boston, MA on the day of his passing 2/27/15

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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