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Day 26

Out My Window

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Out My Window


Sheri Edwards


Darkness drops its spell

as light spreads its arms along the horizon

streaming hope over the hill


Morning sunshine hugs the earth,

illuminates the spring green of budding leaves

on the fall-planted Hawthorne now

winning survival over winter


Daffodils accept light’s gift,

their yellow shining brightly, 

radiating warmth and welcome,

wobbling gently in the soft warm air

drifting daintily over the lawn of clover


A door squeaks open

as small voices chatter

a basketball thump thumps

on the sidewalk out to the street

past the posted “Children at Play”

honoring children over traffic


An elder couple crosses the street

avoiding contact, physically distant

pausing at gardens, waving to windows

of neighborhood friends safely inside

waiting their turn for walking the block

waving at friends, smiling to strangers while

wearing masks over their faces


A wave from a neighbor across the street

tending his garden of vegetable and floral delights,

canine friends sniffing his each move

“Thank you” I call “for your lights and signs”

painted and posted to honor community workers

in health and grocery, supporting us all

helping survival over the world 


Each night this neighborhood, this block,

As light dims its hopeful reach

each neighbor as each can

honors with lights and candles our gratitude to those workers

our friends and family and strangers

serving others over the “shelter in place”


Evening darkens; streets so busy in nights of the past

now silent but for the “whoo, who-who, whoo, whoo” call

of the Great Horned Owl near the top of a Ponderosa Pine

a wandering house cat climbs concrete steps, sniffing a candle-lit lantern 

lending light over darkness


Billion year old carbon, stardust, are we

gazing at twinkling stars shining above and beyond,

each of us alone, yet we hold onto our neighbors in new ways

holding humanity over our fears


Out my window, a candle, a hope

overcoming darkness, my own glowing orb

streaming hope over hell


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Are you feeling a bit confused, scared? I know I am.

But I look ahead. We look forward to a hopeful future, while acknowledging and acting on the dangers, protecting ourselves and others through our actions of physical distancing and wearing masks.

For now, the world is different, not what we had planned, and yet we are finding ways to move forward to help each other, despite the disruption.

I hope this poem, written about what is outside my window, reflects the times, the trials, and the testament to our shared humanity in helping and recognizing each other.

This poem is written for another #clmooc collaboration, a poetry radio hour, in celebration of our struggles with world-wide sadness and our efforts to embrace the goodness and love within us all, to help us all.

April is National Poetry Month, so the project fits in with other collaborations around the world.


How about joining the writing of poetry, by writing your own “Outside My Window” poem. Spend some time gazing out your window — perhaps your front room window, or perhaps a window not often viewed.

Write down what you see — and what it reminds you of. What is not seen? Like my owl and his call in my poem.

What is outside– people, colors, things, plants, animals, actions, sounds, joy, fears, humor.

What surprises you?

What intrigues you?

What has changed from the past?

What brings you hope?

Choose one or two to start a draft, describing in words the sights and sounds and feelings that those bring to you.

If you’d like some ideas on how to write poetry, see this from Scholastic Writing lesson by poet Jack Prelutsky.

Linda Ashman wrote a book, Outside My Window, with views from all over the world, and Maureen Schlosser wrote her poem based on that book.

Poet Amy Ludwig VanDerwater provides a writers notebook lesson around “Outside My Window:”



One thing about this time, is we have time to learn about the little things that we now notice, such as the Great Horned Owls. I searched to listen to their call, so I could write the poem with the sound of that amazing creature. All About Birds and Audubon provided expertise and answers for me.

And if you’re seeing signs of spring out your window, try some projects at Journey North to connect digitally with others’ spring adventures.

About this post:

Be safe out there.  April is time for NaPoWriMo — National Poetry Writing Monthtry a bit of poetry and art to encourage others to be safe with each other. Something short. Something inclusive. Something of spring and hope. #NaPoWriMo/#GloPoWriMo

The Academy of Poets encourages us to write #shelterinpoems. Get some ideas there and share your own.

Tons of information can be found at Poets.orgNational Poetry Month and here: Virtual Programs.

National Council of Teachers of English also offers suggestions here.

For other Out My Window poems I’ve written in better times, click here.

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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