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Day 9

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Our daily walk past the tennis courts in the city park added a bit of lightness to our day. As mentioned yesterday, kids have chalked up a path around the courts, as directions for a race track.

Can you read this one?  Here it is upside down:

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I once taught first grade and I recognize the invented spelling. Here we see a spot in the race track with the net post that someone might run into. So the child wrote caution in the best way s/he could sound and remember:

ca — remembering the beginning letters

sh — remembering the sh sound in the middle

t — remembering there is a t somewhere

on– finishing out the sound.

Very clever.

Resources on Invented Spelling

WeAreTeachers: invented spelling

Reading Rockets: Invented Spelling and Spelling Development

So let your kids write and create cards for loved ones — and don’t worry so much about perfection — encourage their heartfelt feelings expressed in their own words and spelling.

Resources for Creating Cards and Journals

Foldable Booklets

Making a Pop Up Book

Make a Pop Up Card

Making a Burrito Book


Make a Zine

This example you can download shows how to make it, including how the pages will be numbered so you can make the zine before you cut if you want.  I used this one in my classroom for my students.

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This post is a Slice of My Life, part of a March Slice of Life by The Two Writing Teachers with tweets at #sol20

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

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