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SOL17 DoodleaDay Data History


Data fills our lives, much of it we create to share with family and friends, to work with the community, or to share with the world. Information flows to us with the click of our thumbs in Google Search. Humans create; humans communicate; humans share: it’s our story since the beginning of our time.

Today I watched a video about the Data Center Mural Project in Council Bluffs, Iowa, which describes the point where east and west met in the history of our human endeavor with the “data” of our stories. I had not realized that this city was an important middle point in connecting our coastal stories.


Yes, we create our data, but how safe is it? How do you protect your data?

Some Resources:

Smartphone Safety [From Pew Research –See sidebar for many resources]

FCC allows selling of our data???? Looks like it: Wired

The Open Internet

FCC to gut Open Internet / Net Neutrality?  Looks like it: Wired

Mozilla Net Neutrality

Having an open internet and net neutrality keeps our costs down, encourages access by all, and allows the free flow of information.  Without net neutrality, our costs increase, many will not have access, and information is controlled by providers. That’s the end to “googling” for the relevant and accurate information — because all of it will not be available; someone will be censoring it.

Once more the deranged regime of 2017 zaps freedoms and the values near and dear to the people. Stand up. Add this to the growing list of attacks on our freedom and values.









Word: we create

Work: we contribute

Fork: we find the road changed

Folk: we the people

Fold: we’re turned away

Sold: Out!

(╬ ಠ益ಠ


Part of Slice of Life 2017 by The Two Writing Teachers

Part of DoodleaDay by Royan Lee— today: YouTube Doodle — I chose Data Center Mural Project

Doodling Song:  We Gotta Get Out of This Place by Eric Burdon and the Animals

“There’s a better life for me and you” — that’s the truth.



Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

3 thoughts on “SOL17 DoodleaDay Data History Leave a comment

  1. Forked …
    I am split off
    from this world,
    wandering these lonely roads
    of stories,
    picking up stones
    for my pocket as I
    every notch and groove,
    another year
    etched upon this Earth.

    –Kevin (stealing a word to build a poem)

    • Exactly! A beautiful poem of life’s journey, even when ‘split off.’ Thanks for remixing with one word and sharing here to add to the ideas. It is beautiful!

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