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Diigo in Writing Class

How does Diigo help improve writing?

The Web 2.0 of Diigo’s highlight, annotate, and bookmarking abilities lets students personalize the information and punctuate their own online work with that information. For example: Here a student simply highlights the information she needs to review later in her document (wiki, MS Word, presentation, etc.) in order to analyze the information for her needs. (Note: Student names are pseudonyms.)

Student highlights research on poverty.
Student highlights research on poverty.

By gathering the information needed, the student is able to synthesize the ideas into his/her own connections— “I don’t know what i would do if i lived in Africa after living in a beautiful Vally between the hills with enough money to go places and have food.” This student began to notice and consider homeless people living in poverty in her own community; who knows what project would have developed with more time.

By saving the information to a Diigo group, students can connect with each other and share the important ideas for discussion or writing later:

diigoplanecrashWith the ability to share annotated bookmarks, students learn from one another and from differing viewpoints. Their sharing imbues the facts with personalized connections, allowing students to write with more voice and with connections that explain the facts. In short, students write from a deeper knowledge base.

In addition, after students write online (Google Docs, Wikis), the teacher can “Diigo” feedback. What was well done in the writing? What still needs improvement? This fifth grade student read the first annotation about the need to add examples. She added the details. Next, I recognized her addition, and added another suggestion:


From the Diigo feedback, the student revised to include the details needed:

“Theres place were you could go shopping for baby’s. There are Cribs,Blankets and Shoes for babies.Now there is a store that is called Jewles.Jewles is were you could buy necklesses and bracelets and earring.Thats for girls of  corse” She emphasized the changes with bold herself.

Through individual or collaborative Diigo annotations, students connect to facts in ways that allow comprehension and connections that deepen their understanding.  Through Diigo annotations for feedback, students easily understand what aspects of their writing need improvement. Diigo is our friend in the writing classroom.

Note: Another Diigo Reflection here.

Sheri Edwards View All

Geeky Gramma ~~
Retired Middle School Language Arts/Media Teacher ~~
Writer and Thinker~~
Art from the Heart

7 thoughts on “Diigo in Writing Class Leave a comment

  1. Pingback: What Else? 1DR
  2. I love the Teach Forward quote you had on your Teach Forward blog. Did you come up with that? Which one of your blogs is more for colleagues, just so I know which one to follow?

    • Michelle, Thanks for reading my blog! I wrote the little quote about teaching forward to accompany the video — in hopes it would gently inspire others to move forward in their teaching.

      The blog I post on most about many education ideas is here:

      Thanks again! Look forward to learning with you.

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